October 21, 2005

TGIF-Interesting Links and Open Trackbacks

This is the third edition of TGIF and it is regrettably late. I've been quite busy today so it took me a while to get around to this.

The Washington Times reported earlier today that Miers would end her meetings with senators to focus on "cramming" for the confirmation hearing

Meanwhile the AP says that Miers will continue to meet with Senators next week. Okay so who's telling the truth?

SCOTUSblog has a good round-up on more reactions of the Miers nomination

More info on the Katrina/FEMA blame game. This is getting ridiculous.

A 93 year old man drives 3 miles with a body in his windshield.

Kansas high court says underage gay sex must be treated as equal to underage heterosexual sex.

Woman in SF throws her three children into the San Francisco Bay and has the nerve to plead not guilty. Read the article and see if you agree with me that California Social Services should be held responsible for this.

Of course if you have an interesting article you'd like to share, feel free to trackback to this post! If your blog service doesn't support trackbacks, feel free to use the Wizbang standalone trackback pinger to send them. The trackbacks will be displayed here on the main page.

The trackback URI for this entry is http://blog.mu.nu/cgi/mt-tb.cgi/123468

Posted by everyman at October 21, 2005 04:54 PM | TrackBack

I linked. I tried. I'm having trouble with mu.nu trackbacks. Sigh. It is a good post:

Iraqi Semper Liberi

Posted by: don surber at October 22, 2005 12:40 AM
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