November 01, 2005

Tuesday Articles and Open Trackbacks

In a move certain to infuriate Democrats, DeLay gets a new judge.

Michelle Malkin posts some outtakes of liberal whackos that didn't make the cut in her new book. Features a link to a video clip of a 24 year old, mohawked loon dousing Pat Buchanan with salad dressing.

Stop the ACLU points out how Jesse Jackson is yet again exploiting race to further his twisted agenda. Amazing how blacks in this country will continue to follow a man who's made himself a millionaire off of the very people he claims to protect.

Rick Moran has a great post about the left's response to Alito and why using the nuclear option is important in confirming this respectable judge.

Sydney Carton points out how France is falling apart due to outrageous violence.

Vilmar posts a very disturbing series of images from the "religion of peace."

If you have an interesting article you'd like to share, feel free to trackback to this entry. The trackback link will be shown here on the main page with the inline trackbacks. If your blogging software doesn't support trackbacks (blogger) you can send your pings manually using the Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Feel free to link any article of interest here just make sure you link back to this post.

Linked to Stop the ACLU

Posted by everyman at November 1, 2005 08:21 PM | TrackBack
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